Legal Notice


We are happy to count you among the visitors of our site. Our site uses the WeeBnB service, provided by Office de Tourisme Sud Brionnais et Destination Saône et Loire .

WeeBnB is a service offered through the Tourist Offices.

The term « WeeBnB » refers to the company WeeDigital which provides the WeeBnB service. The main functionality of WeeBnB is to deliver a turnkey website service, called « WeeBnB Site », for hosting providers. tourist and tourism professionals (professionals managing leisure activities, events, or restaurants) partners of the Tourist Office or referenced by the community in charge of tourism promotion. WeeBnB sites feature the logo and colors of the tourist destination mark, the Tourist Office or the community.

The « Host » designates the tourist host or the professional   tourism designated below, and which benefit from this WeeBnB site on which its services are published and tourist information on the destination.

The « traveler » means the internet user viewing this WeeBnB site in order to prepare their stay with the Host or at the destination.

This Host WeeBnB site is part of the WeeBnB service. By browsing the pages of the site, the user acknowledges having read and accepted the limits of responsibility and the conditions of use of the WeeBnB services: Access the WeeBnB General Conditions (click here).

WeeBnB aims to help and facilitate communication and exchanges between owners of tourist accommodation, tourism professionals and travelers. The principles of WeeBnB: equity and fair value in trade and goods, ergonomic services, frugal innovation or « how to do more with less ». You are the actors of the created ecosystem, participate in its improvement by sending us your feedback. We are listening to you.

Designation of the Host:

Website title of the Host: Appartement La Maison de nos régions de cœur - Chauffailles - Sud Brionnais

Name of the Host : Christian Marchand

  • 06 64 16 31 91
  • 06 64 16 31 92


Editor of the WeeBnB site and services

WEEDIGITAL SAS is the publisher of the WeeBnB service
SIRET : 52382659200025
Siège social : 100A Rue d'Ornon 33170 Gradignan
Contact :
Téléphone : +33 (0)5 35 54 01 55
Publication Director: Xavier MALLEIN

Hosting of the WeeBnB site and services

The Site is hosted on OVH SAS servers,
Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix - France.
Contact Tél : 1007

Scope of content

Despite the care taken in collecting information and in producing the site using the latest techniques, errors, omissions, inaccuracies, cuts or additions beyond our control may remain or be inserted on this site. WeeBnB cannot, for this reason, be held to guarantee, either expressly or implicitly, for the whole content of the site; the user of the site and the information it contains acknowledges that he uses it at his own risk and that the WeeBnB cannot therefore be held liable for any damage, direct or indirect, of any kind whether this results in whole or in part from the use of information on the site. Likewise, WeeBnB cannot be held liable due to the nature or content of the sites referenced on the following pages and in particular those for which access is permitted by the use of the hypertext links appearing on the pages of this site. In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access and rectify data concerning you.

Tourist data

Les données touristiques sont issues de la base de données Décibelles Data, financée par la Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté et gérée en partenariat avec le CRT Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.

For tourist services (leisure, accommodation, sites and monuments), the prices and information provided by professionals and visible on our site have no contractual value.

Third-party online booking solution

The Host can activate a third-party online booking tool on their WeeBnB site. The role of WeeBnB is not that of a sales company. It is limited to the posting of information from the Host (texts, photos, etc.). WeeBnB is not involved in transactions between buyer and seller; cannot assure that sellers and buyers will complete the transaction and execute; does not provide any guarantee concerning the advertisements posted, in particular with regard to the capacity of the sellers, the accuracy of their advertisements, the quality of the products or services offered; does not provide any guarantee for buyers, in particular as to their ability to pay for the goods or services they order.

Since WeeBnB does not intervene in transactions between buyers and sellers, it disclaims all responsibility in the event of litigation or any damage, present or future.

All statements, all offers of services or products sold via the third-party booking tool are the sole responsibility of the author.

Copyright - Copyright ©

The photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, logos, maps, sequences, animated or not, as well as all works integrated into the site are the property of WeeBnB or third parties that have authorized WeeBnB to use them. Reproductions, on paper or computer medium, of this site and of the documents reproduced there are authorized for the sole purpose of preparing your stay, excluding any use for advertising and / or commercial and / or information and / or that they comply with the provisions of article L122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code, without prior authorization from WeeBnB.

Photo credits

None of the photographs presented on this site is free of rights. Any use and any form of reproduction is strictly prohibited. Art L111 and L112 of the intellectual property code.

Personal data

Our site uses WeeBnB services to collect and process personal data of the Traveler, and intended:

  • to send to the Host, only if the Traveler agrees, information concerning a request for information or reservation of a Traveler.
  • to send to the Traveler, only if the Traveler agrees, tourist information on the destination or on the service offered by the Host.

The information recorded by WeeBnB is reserved for the exclusive use of the Host, WeeBnB and Office de Tourisme Sud Brionnais : More info on personal data.

Conformément aux dispositions des articles L. 223-1 et suivants du Code de la consommation, tout consommateur a le droit de s'inscrire sur une liste d'opposition au démarchage téléphonique, dont les coordonnées et modalités de saisine sont disponibles sur le site :


Ce site utilise des cookies techniques qui permettent et facilitent votre navigation. Ils sont indispensables et ne sauraient être supprimés sans affecter gravement l’accès au site et la navigation. Les cookies techniques mis en place permettent d'accéder à votre compte et d’afficher les pages du site: More info on cookies.